SCM (Supply Chain Manager)

Asprova SCM supports the visibility and optimization of the overall supply chain

Global expansion of the manufacturing industry requires a tool which can simultaneously manage [1] Global demand [2] Global distribution center networks (DC) [3] Global factory networks [4] Global supply. Asprova SCM creates a schedule for the overall supply chain, assisting in the visibility thereof, and the overall optimization of the supply chain. Scheduling features consist of SCP (Supply Chain Planning) and APS (detailed scheduling). Given demand input, SCP will create a schedule for multiple customers, distribution centers, factories and suppliers. Given the factory schedule from the SCP result, APS will create a detailed schedule for manufacturing at each factory.

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Modelling the supply chain

An example of the type of supply chain handled by Asprova SCM is shown below. †he supply chain consists of sites (suppliers, factories, distribution centers and final customers) linked by delivery resources (truck, ship, air freight etc). Factories and distribution centers can exist in multiple levels and have an inventory point (small red triangle) associated with them. Item C is consumed by factories F3 and F4 to produce item B, which is further consumed by factories F1 and F2 to produced the final item A1 or A2. †he final product A1/A2 is then delivered to the customer via the distribution centers. Production constraints, and the constraints of delivery routes are registered in the master data for Asprova SCM.

Products may have upstream and downstream processes in different locations. Without suitable scheduling software, it is impossible to utilize resources optimally. Asprova SCP considers bottleneck processes and limited resource capacities across all factories to schedule work instructions accordingly.

The entire supply chain is taken into account, including factories, suppliers, logistics centers and customers. Factory outputs, various transportation resources and routes, as well as product distribution to logistics centers and customers become mapped in Asprova SCP.

This leads to miminimized inventory stocks, optimal resource utilization and flawless delivery reliability thoughout the entire value chain. Combined with Asprova APS for the scheduling of individuel factories, it is possible to create optimal conditions to improve efficiency in all areas of the entire group.

Key Features

  • Scheduling with finite resource capacities.
  • Optimal results are achievable through adaptable pegging conditions and the scheduling logic.
  • Precise calculation of order including interconnections.
  • Complete visualization of order throughput across the entire value chainShort planning cycles, in order to react to inquiries quickly.
  • KPI calculation for a variety of factors, including efficiency of the entire value chainAsprova SCP can be linked to various Asprova APS modules of individual factories.

Realize the visibility and shorten the leadtime of supply chain overall 

Realize the visibility of supply chain

Through delivery plan, supply plan, production plan, demand table, inventory graph, load graph, order Gantt chart, resource Gantt chart that output from SCP, we can find out and solve the problems such as delay delivery date and the bottleneck of supply chain overall, to realize the overall optimization.

Shorten the leadtime of supply chain overall

Purchase orders, transfer orders, and production orders of each sites are in synchronization when SCP creates a schedule. The”total lead time“ from material input to product supplied to customer can be reduced. Therefore, significant inventory reduction in supply chain will be achieved, and quick response of demand change also become possible. If puts inventory buffer at an appropriate site, the “delivery lead time“ from receiving an order to product arrived to customers will be reduced, the opportunities of receiving orders also will be increased. Because SCP creates a schedule at a high speed, “planning lead time“ is reduced so as the demand fluctuations impact can be communicated instantly overall supply chain.